Tuesday, April 15, 2008

West Michigan Day of .NET 2008

I finally broke down and registered for the West Michigan Day of .NET on May 10.

WM Day of .Net May 10, 2008 - I'll be there!

As I've said, although I'm quite active on Twitter, I'm typically not especially social in real life.  But that's something I'm interested in changing, and this is too good of an opportunity to pass up.

Many of my Twitter friends that I've never met face-to-face will be there.  I thought about listing them here, but there are simply too many.  One of them even called me out by name on his blog. :-)

On top of that, there are some very good looking sessions on the schedule.  In particular, I'm excited to hear about MonoRail, Boo, DSLs, and testing features in Visual Studio Team System.

Bring on the awkwardness!

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