Copilot Is Outsourcing 2.0

Decision-makers can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent. (Or, in this context, remain employed.)

- Will Larson, "Career Advice in 2025"

"AI" coding tools like Copilot went from a mere curiosity to full-blown silver bullet territory in a few short years. I'm all for reducing the accidental complexity Fred Brooks wrote about in his classic essay on software engineering, but what’s driving me a little bit crazy lately is talk amongst people (mostly non-engineers) around the industry that Copilot and the like are magical productivity machines.

I'm not the only seasoned engineer to notice that this present moment feels eerily similar to the outsourcing craze of the 2000s. The dream of every non-technical executive who had a bunch of software engineers on their payroll was to lay them off and replace them with people in faraway countries with a lower standard of living who they could pay less to do the same job. didn't exactly work out that way. It turns out that software engineers are not, in fact, fungible code-typing machines. Outsourcing jobs to cheaper parts of the world is very much still a thing, but it took several years of reality colliding with the dream to bring expectations down to a reasonable level.

In 2025, the executive's dream is back, and bigger than ever. What's better than paying humans in other parts of the planet less to do the same job? We can get AI™ to do the job for even less!

The outsized hype around AI coding tools is premised on the idea that software engineers are primarily code-writers. If we could get machines to type the code, then we can save a ton of money, right? The reality in my experience is that typing code faster is not a bottleneck for any software engineer that you would want working on your product. Writing code is a small percentage of what a software engineer actually does.

I remember a friend of mine from college asking me many years ago, when learning that I was studying Computer Science, if I was worried about destroying my hands from typing so much. He apparently imagined that the career I was training for was similar to a court stenographer. In the software industry, we used to refer to engineers who produced huge volumes of repetitive code quickly as "code monkeys". This matches the outside perception of someone furiously hacking away at a keyboard, with speed of keystrokes making the overall impression.

The thing is, a “code monkey” is replaceable by AI. If there's anything we've learned over the last 200 years or so, it's that machines can do repetitive, mindless tasks faster and more cheaply than humans. If the work of a software engineer really looked like: 1. Do a Google search. 2. Copy and paste code from your web browser into your code editor. 3. Hit a button to commit to your team's code repository; then heck yeah, a machine can do those things way faster than a human.

I don't fear being replaced by an AI that can copy and paste code from the internet faster than I can. I do worry about non-technical executives either firing me or not hiring me based on marketing, or a belief that this is what software engineers primarily do to create software that is valuable to an actual business.

Just like the executive's dream of outsourcing faded to a modest incremental reduction in the cost of developing software, I believe that so to will the dream of the AI engineer. I don't need to ask Fred Brooks what he would have thought (RIP).

Engineering-led Research Tickets

One of my optimistic beliefs about software engineers is that we're full of good ideas about how things around us could be improved. We're smart people, problem solvers. We read tech news, we're friends with engineers at other companies, we bring diverse career experiences to each job--in other words, we're at least vaguely aware of better ways of doing things that are happening in other places.

If we want to go beyond just talking about better ways of doing things, we need to empower engineers to capture their ideas for improvement in the backlog right next to ideas from the product management side. It's critical, of course, that items in the backlog generated by engineers are refined, estimated, and actually included in sprints on a regular basis.

And we want to go beyond the all-too-easy step of adding a one-line ticket at the end of our backlog that says “do cool thing X”. Since no one has the foggiest idea how we’ll actually do that cool thing, the backlog item just sits there and no one ever puts it into a sprint because it’s too nebulous and scary and we don’t know how long it will take or if it’s even possible in a sprint-worth’s amount of time.

Make that “do cool thing X” a research ticket. Time-box the effort. We can put this into a future sprint because at the end of the time box (fitting within one sprint) we will have a documented outcome that gets us closer to the goal than we were before, and we’ll have a much better idea of the actual steps to get there with "real" tickets representing the work.

The output of these research tickets can be a comment saying we shouldn’t do this and here’s why. Or the output could be a series of other tickets the engineer creates with a ticket for each step of the process toward accomplishing the ultimate goal...or a nice intermediate goal.

Even if we end up looking at the list of steps for follow-on work and think, “Geez! That’s a lot of damn work to get the outcome we want!” and we decide it’s not worth the effort, that's still a great outcome.

Software Engineer Career Levels at Companies You've Heard Of

I found a site called that curates a list of "career frameworks," or in other words, the level-progression system of titles that a bunch of tech companies use for their software engineers. It's pretty interesting to peruse.

Several of these companies define what the often nebulous title of Staff Engineer means to them, which I find particularly compelling.

Here are a few companies you've probably heard of, with links to their pages where they define their career progressions for software engineers:

Heisenberg Effect in Software

One of the greatest services that software engineers provide is that we help people understand their own thought processes. We're transcribers of human thought, in a way. We have to understand a human process so intricately that we can write down instructions in another language that the dumbest, most literal being on earth (a computer) can follow.

We hold a mirror up to the user: We built this system in your image--does this look like you? Is the image distorted? If so, how? In the Agile philosophy, we hold this mirror up as early and often as we can.

Another metaphor I like comes from an old interview with Andy Hunt and Dave Thomas (of "Pragmatic Programmer" fame), where they described a Heisenberg effect in the process of building software for people:

Software [has] a Heisenberg effect, where delivering the software changes the user's perception of the requirements.

Users need to see our interpretation of what they told us. That helps them understand themselves better, and then, we can understand them better.

Are You a Stable or Volatile?

I've written before on this blog about the different personality traits of software engineers, and how different traits balance each other on a team.

Some of the spectra I came up with were:

  • Dreamers ↔ Pragmatists
  • Big Picture ↔ Detail-Oriented
  • Move Fast & Break Things ↔ Slow & Methodical
  • Optimists ↔ Pessimists
  • Answerers ↔ Questioners
Recently I read a comment on Hacker News (which I can't find now) that mentioned a blog post from 2012 on Rands In Repose, a blog I've been familiar with for years, but somehow this post had escaped me.

The author, Michael Lopp, introduces the Stables and Volatiles divide, which feels to me like a meta-category that encompasses the ones I listed above.

You can probably guess just from the names, but Stables tend to like having a well-defined plan, are more risk-sensitive, predictable, and reliable. Volatiles are disruptive, like to blaze their own trail, dislike process, and have a strong bias for shipping something (even if it's ugly and unstable).

Lopp says:
Stables will feel like they’re endlessly babysitting and cleaning up Volatiles’ messes, while Volatiles will feel like the Stables’ lack of creativity and risk acceptance is holding back the company and innovation as a whole. Their perspectives, while divergent, are essential to a healthy business.

I believe a healthy company that wants to continue to grow and invent needs to equally invest in both their Stables and their Volatiles.
I think the Stable / Volatile concept feels very true to my experience, and it's one I'll keep with me. Assuming that everyone on a team is equally intelligent, competent, and well-intentioned, you need people of both the Stable and Volatile persuasions. Even though they annoy each other, a project staffed by only one or the other type is doomed.

Who Writes the Backlog?

The Product Owner has the final say in backlog prioritization. But who writes the backlog? Is it always the product owner?

My experience with Agile has been that, in the real world, the backlog contains two types of items:

  1. The "user stories" that discuss functionality from the perspective of an end user
  2. Technical stories--including things like technical debt, maintenance, package upgrades, etc. Things that don't represent user goals that the product owner would be focusing on.

Both types of items are important and need to be worked on. 

You can get into trouble in a couple ways:

  1. Every item in the backlog is forced into a "user story" template ("As a...", "I want to...", "So that...").
  2. The product owner is writing backlog items that are of the "technical story" variety since they think they need to write every story in the backlog.

If you have a product owner who has consistent time to write Jira tickets (or whatever issue tracker you have), you're pretty lucky. My experience with actually-existing-Agile is that the Product Owner is typically someone in middle management who is juggling multiple jobs, "product owner" of this product being one more job, and certainly does not have the time to dedicate to backlog management.

Occasionally you get an overactive product owner who tries to capture every task the development team is working on as backlog items, including purely technical tasks that are better written up by engineers or engineering managers/leads.

My opinion is that anyone on the team (engineers, QA, managers, product owner) should be empowered to write backlog items. When the nature of the backlog item is technical, let the technical people write it. When the backlog item is a "user story", the product owner should write the item, or at least delegate the requirements to whoever writes it (probably not an engineer).

Backlogs are just another tool in the tool chest of software engineering. As long as the people doing the work are clear on what the goal of the item is, and the acceptance criteria for its completion, then anyone can write them in whatever format they want.

Legacy Systems Age in Reverse

I feel like every job I've ever had in software there has been some old legacy system hanging around that everyone denigrated and perennially spoke about replacing with a newer, shinier system. That replacement was always coming any day now. By the time I'd moved on to a new job, that legacy system was still running, quietly doing some important function for the business, having somehow survived the demise everyone predicted.

The first release of jQuery was in 2006. Within a few years--and every year after--web developers would talk continuously about how outmoded jQuery was, and that no self-respecting developer would still be using it when so many newer, better JavaScript libraries had come along to replace it. Well, guess what. In 2024 (18 years later), jQuery is still in active development, and according to the official jQuery blog, 90% of all websites use jQuery currently. As someone who's been working in the web development space since roughly the dawn of jQuery, I can say that it is still extremely rare that I see a codebase that doesn't use jQuery somewhere, whether as a direct dependency, a transitive dependency, or as part of some 3rd-party tool integrated into the product. jQuery will outlast the human species.

Software systems exhibit the Lindy effect:

The Lindy effect (also known as Lindy's Law) is a theorized phenomenon by which the future life expectancy of some non-perishable things, like a technology or an idea, is proportional to their current age. Thus, the Lindy effect proposes the longer a period something has survived to exist or be used in the present, the longer its remaining life expectancy. Longevity implies a resistance to change, obsolescence, or competition, and greater odds of continued existence into the future. Where the Lindy effect applies, mortality rate decreases with time.

They actually age in reverse. Every year they exist doubles their additional life expectancy. That old system that everyone thinks will be replaced any day now is gaining strength before your eyes, becoming every day less likely to be replaced.

New technologies are the least likely to survive another day, another year. Just as a business that's existed for 100 years is more likely to survive to its 101st year than a 2-year-old business is likely to see its 3rd year.

The implications of the Lindy effect to any of us working in "technology" are so widespread that it's hard to overstate. We're in an industry obsessed with the new, but the new things are constantly passing away as the old geezers are running laps around them. Any new programming language you're excited about right now will be dead long before C is. VS Code will kick the bucket before Vim. Be kind to those elderly technologies around you, because they'll be here long after you're gone.